1937 - 2010
吳華森師傅早年特別喜愛外家功夫, 曾跟名師學習, 深受硬橋硬馬動作吸引.
經過多年練武, 吳師傅終有機會在比武場上一顯身手, 但這一次改變了他一生的武學. 在比武過程中, 吳師傅原想以中路攻擊對手, 但末得手之前胸口已被對方擊中多拳, 他深深被對手出拳之敏捷所吸引.
數月後, 他在参加一個宴會上重遇上次比賽之對手, 經友人介绍下互相認識, オ得知對方是詠春葉問宗師的首徒粱相師傅. 當時詠舂並不普遍, 一般视作屬於女性的拳術看待. 及後オ得知是给對手以詠春連消帶打的拳術擊倒.
雖然比武已過了一段時間, 吳師傅仍悶悶不樂, 對自已所學產生懷疑. 數月後經友人介绍, 吳師傅探訪粱相師傅位於九龍自由道十號的武館. 自一九六一年開始, 吳師傅使跟随梁相師傅修習詠舂拳.
對於吳師傅來說, 學習詠春並非易事. 過往練習外家功夫另吳師傅變得手法過硬, 而現在须放棄硬朗打法而學習詠舂的柔中有勁的打法, 言而這並不容易. 師公梁相傳授武技與吳師傅時更表示, 學習詠春必要先學放鬆, 並须柔軟地每天轉動乎腕, 以達至手勢柔軟的境界.
在一九六九年夏天, 吳師傅参加在星加坡舉行的第一屆東南亞國術邀請賽. 雖在亳無比賽經驗,也没有足夠訓練下, 他曾把泰國對手打出圈外, 並以耕手打斷對方侧踢腿使其無法参加下場比賽, 但最终因不適應擂台上戴拳套和比赛规限, 最终以點數落败得了第三名, 賽後對方還送赠泰刀一把, 視作寶刀贈英雄.
大賽過後, 吳師傅開設他位於九龍西洋菜街第一所詠春學校.
當時吴師傅的拳館與葉問宗師的住所相距甚近, 當問公半退休時, 他每週都會途經吳師傅拳館跟吳師傅共茶小敘, 更一起打麻將及看電影, 偶然亦會在拳館給予學生一點意見.
在七十年代當李小龍風摩大眾時, 公眾對詠春甚為注目, 李小龍旋風剌激起全球對功夫的熱潮, 尤其對詠春乏派別. 因此吳師傅的拳館每天都有四十多人擠在一個只有五百尺的武館.
此乃吳華森師父早年傳下來的詠春歌, 寓意甚深, 希望各同門细讀,有所得益.
In Kung Fu, Sifu Ng Wah Sum's first love was Hung Ga. It was Hung Ga's exaggerated movements that he particularly enjoyed. It was a very physicalstyle that was dramatic to watch.
After Sifu Ng Wah Sum had studied Hung Ga for a few years, he faced abeimo (a skill comparison, which usually took place in an alley or rooftop)that led to a change of his life. During the beimo, Sifu Ng Wah Sum lungedto attack into his opponent, however, before he could strike, his opponent landed several punches on his chest. Sifu Ng Wah Sum was stung by theseswift punches, both physically and mentally. When Sifu Ng Wah Sum nextsaw Sifu Lam Fei Hung, he asked why this opponent was able to punch himseveral times before he could do anything.
Several months later, Sifu Ng Wah Sum spotted the opponent who was alsoa guest while attending a friend's banquet. His friend introduced him and found that the opponent practiced Wing Chun under Leung Sheung, whowas a disciple of the legendary Yip Man. At that time, most people did not know much about Wing Chun and it was commonly regarded as women's style. After some conversation with the opponent, Sifu Ng Wah Sum discovered he was hit by the Wing Chun's chain punches easily.
Although the beimo was long over, Sifu Ng Wah Sum still felt the sting of those punches and became skeptical of Hung Ga's techniques. After a couple of months, through his friend, Ho Gay, Sifu Ng Wah Sum visited Leung Sheung's school (in fact, Sifu Leung Sheung had been expecting him). The school was located at 10 Liberty Road in Kowloon. The visit went well. Thus, Sifu Ng Wah Sum began to study Wing Chun under Leung Sheung in 1961.
For Ng Wah Sum, studying Wing Chun was not an easy task. Hung Ga's training made Sifu Ng Wah Sum very hard and stiff. He had to change his style from the hard physical Hung Ga to the soft feminine Wing Chun. Sigh Leung Sheung told him to relax and gently shaked his wrists every day in order to make himself softer.
At that time, Wing Chun was still a "small family". Sifu Ng Wah Sum was able to practise with the Yip Man's other disciples. Afterwards, Sifu Ng Wah Sum joined them to watch or participate in beimos.
In summer of 1969, Sifu Ng Wah Sum competed in the first Far East Kung Fu Tournament held in Singapore. In the fight, he lost on points. However, he managed to knock his opponent out of the ring using Po Pai. After the tournament, Sifu Ng Wah Sum set up his own Wing Chun school on Sai Yeung Choi Street in Kowloon. Some of his earlier students included Lee Wai Ming, Leung Yin, Leung Woon Lam, Wong Kwai Lun and Chung Kwok Chow followed him. After two years of training,
Sifu Ng Wah Sum's school was only two blocks away from Yip Man's residence. When Yip Man was semiretired,
he dropped by Sifu Ng Wah Sum's school a couple of times weekly to have tea with Sifu Ng Wah Sum. Sometimes, they would also play mahjong or go for a movie. Although he was a legend, Yip Man was always quiet and humble.
During the 70's, while Bruce Lee was at the climax of his popularity, Wing Chun was in great demand. Bruce Lee created a worldwide demand for Kung Fu, especially Wing Chun. As a result, Sifu Ng Wah Sum's school was crowded with students everyday. There were up to 40 students packing in only 500 square feet of space.